
half price是什么意思
答:half price半价 双语对照 词典结果:half price[英][hɑ:f prais][美][hæf praɪs]半价; 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句:1.But they aren't just going for clothes bargains they are also booking in at hair salons and spas for "half price" treatments.但他们不仅是去买便宜衣服...

half price是什么意思
答:"Half price"是英语中的一个常用短语,意思是折半价或半价。当商家在广告或促销活动中使用这个短语时,意思是将商品的原价打折50%。这通常是为了吸引更多的顾客来购买商品。对于消费者来说,half price是一个很有吸引力的优惠,因为他们可以以更便宜的价格购买到心仪的商品。对于商家来说,这也是一种促...

答:半价英语是:half price.一、读音:英 [ˌhɑːf ˈpraɪs] 美 [ˌhæf ˈpraɪs]。二、例句 1、Many items are at half price.许多商品都以半价出售。2、By yesterday she was selling off stock at half price .到昨天为止她一直在以半价抛售...

答:所有老师都在这里。2. They all enjoyed the show.他们都喜欢这个表演。3. All the milk is wasted.所有牛奶都浪费了。(修饰不可数名词时,谓语动词用单数)“all of the/this/these/that/those/所有格”结构,其中的of可省略,尤其后跟不可数名词时,经常省略 All the money will be hers.所有的...

答:半价的英文短语是:half price.一、读音:英 [ˌhɑːf ˈpraɪs] 、 美 [ˌhæf ˈpraɪs]。二、例句 1、Many items are at half price.许多商品都以半价出售。2、By yesterday she was selling off stock at half price .到昨天为止她一直...


half price then怎么读
答:“half price then”的发音读[hɑːf] [praɪs] [ðen]。price 读音 英 [praɪs] 美 [praɪs]释义 n. 价格;价值;代价 vt. 给……定价;问……的价格 n. (Price)人名;(英)普赖斯;(法)普里斯;(葡、瑞典)普里塞 短语 price list [物价] 价目表 ; [...

答:您好,「一家三口,父亲半价」的英文翻译可参考以下:Family of three,and half price for the father.Family of three;half price for the father.Family of three,and 50 off for the father.Family of three;50 off for the father.Family of three,and 50 percent discount for the father.F...


答:dear Good news. Now you only need one-third of the price to get the goods. (Now you only need half the price to get the goods) (Now it's completely free, only the shipping cost, you can't find such a big discount product) The original price is 12USD. After you ...


{计卿侵17259807618} 翻译:一家三口,父亲半价英语怎么说? - ______[答案] 「一家三口,父亲半价」的英文翻译可参考以下: Family of three,and half price for the father. Family of three; half price for the father. Family of three,and 50% off for the father. Family of three; 50% off for the father. Family of three,and 50 percent ...

{计卿侵17259807618} 哪位高手帮我翻译下这个对话,关于砍价的!!!! - ______ A. How do you think about bargain? B. I think I am not good at bargain. A. Come on, you need to learn it as it could be helpful when purchasing something in shop, especially at street vendor.Firstly, you need to compare the goods with others and get...

{计卿侵17259807618} 什么是“half and half” - ______ half-and-half的中文翻译: 马马虎虎

{计卿侵17259807618} 把下列的翻译成英语? ______ 大家好,今天我要讲的是一个有关郑板桥的故事. 清代书画家郑板桥年轻时家里很穷.因为无名无势,尽管字画很好,也卖不出好价钱. 家里什么值钱的东西都没有. 一天,郑板桥躺在床上,忽见窗纸上映出一个鬼鬼祟祟的人影,郑板桥想:...

{计卿侵17259807618} 谁能帮我翻译一下这段英语阅读理解 ______ 你在邮局也可以买到明信片.明信片是一个比后者便宜.通常为一张明信片邮资价格大约一半的信.明信片,你在邮局买没有图片.然而,此外,他们是不被送往国外. 信函是一种简单而廉价的方式,以配合在许多不同国家的人接触

{计卿侵17259807618} 翻译文章. The Right Price ______ 高登的家人度过一天在沙滩上. 戈登先生和夫人坐在沙滩上,阅读他们的杂志.戈登先生过于吝啬租一张椅子上.他们12岁的女儿桑德拉,打在水边. 突然一个巨大的浪潮解除桑德拉和她进行了大海. 幸运的是,救生员当值,他看到了波进行...

{计卿侵17259807618} 英语翻译Half - price Movie Tickets Buy any full - price movie ticket on Tuesdays or Wednesdays,and you can buy a second ticket for a friend for only half price.The ... - ______[答案] 半价电影票 在周二和周三,你如果买了任何一张全价的电影票都可以再为你的朋友买一张半价的电影票.在光野购物中心任何一个剧场,都有我们最新的电影播放.(截止12月1日,每人限购一张)

{计卿侵17259807618} 中文翻译成英语 ______ 1.卖什么? what do we sell? 我们卖女生衣服,裙子,情侣装. we sell girl's dress,skirt and lover's clothes. 2.衣服从哪里进货来的? where dd you purchase these clothings? 上海7浦.每半个月去进次货. 7 Pu in Shanghai,I went there once ...

{计卿侵17259807618} 一道英语选择题. - ______ rather than 是一个并列连词,用法比较复杂,现归纳如下: 1. rather than 与would 连用时,构成“would rather...than...”句式,意思是“宁愿……而不愿……”,表示主观愿望,即在两者之中选择其一.例如: She'd rather die than lose the ...

{计卿侵17259807618} 这话怎么翻译: 1,以前你有跟我询过价的……求专业的,或者地道的英文翻译.. - ______ 1. You have inquired the price before.2.You have visited our factory, and took 2 scissors for samples, and then we exchange ou...